Summer in Markdorf
The following pictures shall bring you a bit of summer feeling. They were taken in 2004 on some special trains in the Markdorf area.
First is a steam special with steamer 01 519. Some of you may remember she is also in Wintertime very attractive (see winter

In fast speeds the train rolls downhill. Markdorf 4.Jul.2004.

The face of 01 519.

Look to the big ears of this steam loco.

From our foto location ourside Markdorf to the station we had about 10 minutes ride on bicycles. Unfortunately 1 minute too slow to get
to the front of the train.

At the evening of the same day this special came back. The white steam blowing out of the feed water heater made
us wet on the bridge...

Another special, this time lead by an Austrian diesel loco. Markdorf 11.July.2004. |